Jordan Astar

The Jordan Astar award is a special award for our chapter. It is a memorial to Jordan Astar, a brother who passed away in 2012. It goes to the brother who exemplifies the first object and is always a friend to their brothers. Below are some words of brothers who knew Jordan.

"Today is the 5th anniversary of Jordan Astar’s passing, and being that it’s been 5 years, I realize now that no one currently in AXE would have gotten the chance to know Jordan. So, you’re probably wondering who Jordan Astar was, and why do we have a Jordan Astar award given out at the banquet? Jordan was one of my best friends and one of the first people I met in college. He was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met – always willing to go out of his way if you needed anything, always there to make sure you were ok, and always there to put a smile on your face even during the worst days. He was a man of many talents and sometimes it was hard to believe that one person could be that talented. He was smart, could play the guitar, could sing, could act...basically a male Beyonce. He was a man of many passions, but musicals were his main love. He loved the Book of Mormon and was even in the community theater’s production of The Sound of Music the summer after our freshman year. He also loved Pokémon and would have loved Pokémon Go, and would probably have been the only active player left on the planet Earth. He was one of the few other people who recognized and appreciated the musical stylings of Avril Lavigne. However, he also wasn’t afraid to tell you the rest of your music library was bad and essentially that of a preteen girl’s. He was the kind of person who would do No-Shave-November and actually raise money for cancer. He was the kind of person who would thoughtfully get you a Rihanna poster for your room only to have Paul Dolan try to steal it for God-knows what purpose. He was the kind of person who would order Chinese and watch Awkward with you every Tuesday and support neither Team Jake nor Team Matty, but rather support Team Jenna because Jenna don’t need no man. He was the kind of person who would explore the LGBTQ section of Netflix with you while you waited for your parents to pick you up for Thanksgiving, and then immediately turn it off after realizing it’s basically glorified porn. He was the kind person who would help you study the founding fathers on the way from Smith Hall to 619 because you were a horrible pledge and forgot about the weekly quiz. He was the kind of person that would comfort you after you failed the 3rd object question and thought you weren’t going to make it through initiation, and then never let you live it down. He was the kind of person you should never do homework with, as it usually resulted in saying screw school and getting ice cream from Newhall’s. This frequent and unfortunate study habits usually resulted in us doing the Chem 109 homework Friday night during the pregame. Note: this does not result in good grades - do not do this.

As they said in One Tree Hill, “It’s hard missing someone, but if you miss someone that means you’re lucky, it means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.” Jordan was an amazing person and someone who was taken from us way too soon. October 29th is a rough day for many brothers, but you don’t know how comforting it is that the fraternity is continuing to honor his memory today. This quick testimony could never do justice in attesting to the person who Jordan was, but next banquet when the next recipient of the Jordan Astar award is selected, I hope you realize how special receiving that award is because you are carrying on the legacy of a truly special brother."

- Nick Retko ~ Fall 2017

"Hi, AXE!

I want to tell you about my frat Dad, Jordan Astar. I remember after my birthing story, Jordan took me aside right away and told me how happy he was that I'd joined the family (and how it really needed a girl). I was welcomed instantly. I know people love to talk about how wonderful the dead were in their lives, but Jordan was truly, exceptionally kind. Perhaps it was because he was enduring a deep battle of his own, but he never failed to treat every single person as if he or she were having the worst day of their life. He didn’t have a mean word to say about anyone. He was full of hugs, Avril Lavigne songs, and endless laughs. Jordan’s death was tragic, and I think the greatest tragedy is that the world keeps spinning without him in it. He should be here as the alumnus grilling burgers on our patio and buying pitchers of spotted cow for the new initiates. I should be able to see his lit-up eyes across the room when I come back to 619 for initiation, where the faces slowly morph through the years into ones I no longer recognize. What I want everyone to take away from today’s memorial is twofold: 1) Jordan Astar was an amazing human who existed and he changed my life, and many others, for the better, 2) This person who no longer exists can still teach you a lesson through those who knew him: be fiercely, indomitably kind. Do not sink to the comforts of gossip or exclusivity. Challenge yourself to treat everyone like it’s the worst day of their life, and it’s up to you to make them smile. It’s something I’ve tried to strive for a little bit more every single day since my friend Jordan died."


Laura Burns ~ Fall 2017

"Jordan Astar is not just an award we hand out at the end of the semester.

Jordan Astar was a brother. To those who knew him he was always kind and welcomed everyone with open arms. He always lived by and exemplified the First Object. A brother that was gone too soon and who we will continue to remember and honor in our time with Alpha Chi Sigma and beyond.

Always check on your brothers, always check on your friends."


Sarah Nabong ~ 2018



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